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hračky - pafaas - reklama - YouTube今天您大笑了嗎? 年度最離奇,爆笑事件排行榜-2008年最離奇最不可思議獎,已經在日前頒發,這個獎主要是表彰那些在人類進化中最離奇,最不可思議的人們,是他們,使得我們生活的折磨和壓力不那麼難以忍受。金牌獎殊榮的是:JAMES ELLIOT----作為加州長灘市的搶劫犯,當他把點38左輪手槍對準被害人hračky pro vaše děti . . . ... This feature is not available right now. Please try again later....


News | Robot Reviews眾所周知,日本人習慣男女共浴,而中國人就不行。 話說抗日戰爭期間,日本鬼子來到了中國,一日本高級軍官將自己的夫人也帶來了。日本娘們要洗澡,於是就讓一個漢奸給自己搓背。漢奸雖然滿心不願意,但是,攝於日本鬼子軍官的淫威,不得不幹,於是就與這個日本娘們共同進了浴池,整個浴池就他們二人。  那個日Roomba 650 and Roomba 630 Announced. iRobot has announced two new vacuuming robots today, the iRobot Roomba 630 and the Roomba 650. The Roomba 600 series is basically the Roomba 500 series updated for 2012 with new styling, and all of the ......


Robot Reviews | Roomba & Scooba News and Reviews高中讀的是女校,大家感情融洽無所不談尤其是大便和月經之事更是我們熱愛的話題(男女合校很難暢談這種事)所以對於這些事也不會避諱或害羞甚麼的高三某天留晚自習時,強者我同學很開心的跟我說「欸我現在好想大便喔,羨慕我吧嘻嘻」由於高三許多人都因壓力大而有便秘的困擾,我也著實羨慕了她一陣過了很久她傳簡訊求救:「Roomba 650 and Roomba 630 Announced. iRobot has announced two new vacuuming robots today, the iRobot Roomba 630 and the Roomba 650. The Roomba 600 series is basically the Roomba 500 series updated for 2012 with new styling, and all of the ......


AFO: Aliens Flying Object from Tosy - YouTube話說我們電子系啊, 可能因為男孩子女孩子比例差很多,所以就出現非常多的癡情男呀(遠望)___沒路用之前言____ 之前強者我學弟阿, 很瘋改車,特地從高雄跑到台南改了個很好坐的坐墊, 然後就邀請平常跟他很有話聊的學姐去兜風,(就是我本人) 可是因為我實在是忙到一個爆炸,那陣子工作特別多, 所以我就拒Full review: Tosy's AFO: Aliens Flying Object is an innovative mash-up of a classic flying ring and a boomerang that, even though it's very simple, delivers tons of can't-put-it-down fun. To launch the AFO, snap th...


Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse review - Engadget老闆很機車 同事又找碴 就連室友也是搞了一堆爛攤子 要我收拾心裡一堆委屈沒處發洩想著想著眼淚就撲簌簌的流下來心想最近很久沒跟老爸講電話談心了於是就拿起手機撥給老爸一邊哭著 一邊等著老爸接起來時要跟老爸訴訴苦.....(接通後)我:「爸~~~(哭腔)」我爸:「啪!!(掛上電話)」我:「........Computer Shopper Aug 1, 2013 The Sculpt Comfort’s touch swiping complements Windows 8, but it isn't quite as useful in Windows 7. Right-handed Windows 8 users with a Bluetooth-enabled laptop should consider it; others, look elsewhere. Read the ......


Western Digital My Net N900 review - Engadget今天小弟如往常一樣去補習大樓裡的電梯依然擁擠電梯內站(貼)在我面前的是一位穿熱褲的小姐(不正 別跟我要圖)就在電梯到達7F了之時 電梯門打開了我前面的熱褲小姐突然衝了出去伴隨一聲尖叫 並摸著大腿看著我突然間我感受到許多不善的眼神 大家逐漸將我圍起來 似乎是打算不讓我離開**同電梯女性的眼神:幹 你這quote Western Digital’s well-designed user interface and its free software utilities make the My Net N900 a good consumer router. Its wireless performance, on the other hand, falls far short of the fastest router we tested, and it lacks the advanced featu...
