Mrs. Blandings (圖片翻攝自dianliwenmi) 我和妻子認識時間並不長,只相處了6個月的時間,就步入了婚姻殿堂。妻子長相特別清純,160公分的身材看上去高挑勻稱,一雙會說話的大眼睛特別令我著迷。我不知不覺地墜入情網難以自拔。 妻子比我大兩歲,但是每次我和她一起走在街上時,常常被別人認為我比她大I have given myself over to starting work at my computer with a visit to Pinterest. It is automatic now and I find that the images clear my mind of the chatter and enable me to focus. I don't get distracted there. I don't click around. I absorb what I see...