狂!這些超有才的搞怪學生竟用「這8個方法」成功逼到老師辭職不幹, 4 連學霸都用「大雄」嗆老師!
Mrs. Blandings ▲這些同學實在太可惡卻也有很才。(source:topnews8,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 大家是否都還記得自己學生時期的搞笑趣事呢?就算自己是位認真的乖學生(自己講),班上總一定會出現一位非常不喜歡照規矩來,總是在搞怪的同學,讓人真是又氣又好笑呢! 根據topnews8分享,這I have given myself over to starting work at my computer with a visit to Pinterest. It is automatic now and I find that the images clear my mind of the chatter and enable me to focus. I don't get distracted there. I don't click around. I absorb what I see...