Is it "Ms." or "Miss"? | OUPblog - OUPblog | Oxford University Press’s Academic Insights for the Wor 話說,大家也知道比特幣了... 比特幣誕生於2009年,它不依靠特定貨幣機構發行,是一個去中心化的支付系統,同時其基於密碼學的設計讓這種貨幣只能被擁有者轉移和支付,保密性非常高... 在最近幾年,這種貨幣的價格從原來的一文不值,到如今節節攀升, 每一次的報A rare occurrence of “Ms.” in 1885 suggests that the term is an abbreviation of “Miss.” Ever since “Ms.” emerged as a marriage-neutral alternative to “Miss” and “Mrs.” in the 1970s, linguists have been trying to trace the origins of this new honorific. It...