ms mr mrs

MMDays – 網路, 資訊, 觀察, 生活之前我們看過真人化的瑪莉歐兄弟畫作,圓滾嘟胖的瑪莉歐經過改造後成為大鬍子憂鬱型男,深邃而犀利的眼神甚至散發出中年男人特有的成熟韻味,整個充滿濃濃的義式風情!而同樣身為大家都愛的 Angry Birds,也在設計師的巧手改造下各個成為殺氣騰騰的復仇者,就算拿去拍電影也毫無違和感!   由概念(圖片來源: 感謝各位讀者的支持,歷時兩個多禮拜的 MMDays Showtime 2014 終於在昨天劃上了完美的句點。也感謝參與的眾多寫手,包括:Mr. Monday, Mr. Tuesday, Mr. March, Mr. D-Day, Mr. Friday, Mr. Sunday, Little Ms. Happy Birthday ......


Miss / Mr / Mrs / Ms | WordReference Forums 圖片來自 現在許多車車裡頭為了展現豪華氣派的氛圍,裝上了不管是真是假的木紋飾板,不知道大家喜不喜歡呢?車車裡出現大量的木紋或許卡友們已經是見怪不怪了,最近有為在國外網站上看到了《越南第一輛木頭車》,裡裡外外都是由木頭所打造的,快跟著有為一起來看看吧! 圖片來自:taHello ! Lately I received a mail from some agency willing to contact me for some job offers [...] Furthermore (maybe I should open a second thread ? ) I'm always wondering about the Mrs/Ms/Miss/Mr ... What is used for who ? I'd say : Miss --> young woman...


Mr, Mrs, Ms abbreviations - English Language (ESL) Learning Online - UsingEnglish.com這...是因為真情感動了校長嗎? Just a few simple questions: Mr means Mister? What do Mrs and Ms stand for? Do you have to use initial capital letters for these abbreviations? ... First of all, I would like to thank you both for the quick and very useful responses. Secondly, I would lik...


Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms. 的複數 - 英文資訊交流網所以這還叫手機套嗎... Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms. 是商業書信中經常會用到的尊稱 (courtesy titles)。Miss 為「小姐」,用於未婚女子的姓或姓名之前,如 Miss Chen is a popular teacher. (陳小姐是個廣受歡迎的老師)。Mr. 為「先生」,是 Mister 的簡寫,用於男性的姓、姓名或職務之前,如 Mr ......
