Ms, Mrs, Miss? - Free English Tests for ESL/EFL, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, SAT®, GRE®, GM今天要說的是一個久別重逢的故事... Nicole Renae來自美國,今年21歲, 由於是家裡的獨生女,童年時她經常感到有些寂寞, 每當看到各種可愛的汪星人,她總在想什麼時候才能有汪啊... 原本,Nicole的父母是反對在家裡養寵物的, 直到她10歲生日那一天,愛孫心I'm afraid that that is not generally understood even in Oregon, CG; I just received a response from my 'Oregon connection' (an Oregonian friend), who has this to say: "The title Ms exists only to avoid the arcane labels implied by Miss and Mrs. It may be...