How to enable MSI Logging | iDevelopSoftware 2004年3月8日的這張照片裡,當時臉上還有著一些「嬰兒肥」的王倩倩身處兩會會場,衣著樸素,由於壓力很大臉上長了很多痘痘,正在用統一規定的姿勢為代表委員們倒水。 2003年4月,正在安康師範讀書的王倩倩代表安康市參加「西洽會」,為午子綠茶做茶藝表演,活動中突然接到老師的電話,要求立刻返校。在教務處If you are trying to debug an installer problem it is probably worth having MSI logging turned on. This will produce a file in your %TEMP% directory that contains a detailed trace of the activities that took place in MSIEXEC. This can be very helpful when...