S20 Slider 2 | MSI Global | Notebook - The best gaming notebook provider ▲超壞的雙胞胎姊妹一直惡整每個進來女廁的女生,每個女生的反應都讓姊妹倆快笑翻。(source:youtube,下同) 如果你進一間廁所,發現身旁的人照鏡子有反射,自己照起來卻沒有,會不會被嚇得魂飛魄散? 根據Scary Videos頻道在YouTube上分享的影片,巴西有一個整人節目Enjoy more color consistent images from front, side, below--virtually any angle. The MSI S20 slider 2 is ideal for graphics work, Internet surfing, and picture viewing. 10-point multi-touch screen allows you to control Windows 8 smoothly and with precisio...