微星科技 U100 Plus - 微星科技 - 主機板、顯示卡、筆記型電腦 Notebook、AII-in-One PC 系列,以獨步全球的領先技術 ... 第一張是原圖... 之後 就看看網友惡搞大全吧XD 所以說,人人都有被惡搞的機會!! 沒有性別、年齡、身分之別 惡搞之前,人人平等啊!!XDStrolling down Avenue des Champs Elysees in Paris with style, I get swept off my feet by the Aegean Sea in Greece, let my hair down in a Brazilian Carnival, feast on the blanket of polar snow in bliss, and kick up a storm in Vegas, all with my Wind U100 P...