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Top news stories local and from around the world – MSN News Malaysia我補習班老師說女生最好在18歲畢業就去考駕照,因為女生對路況比較不熟悉。他後來又補了一句:在高速公路上遇到女生開車比遇到砂石車還可怕。之後,好像班上有些女生就瞪他。於是我們老師就說了他在報紙上看到的一則新聞。有一個女生在馬路上開車,道路上有東西,她為了閃那個東西,快撞上安全島上的樹,一般人,如果是你Breaking headlines, local, national and global news covering politics, policy, events, unrest and more from the world's top media outlets ... Pope draws huge crowds in Ecuador BBC News The fiesta of San Fermín: Spain's running of the bulls festival Bill C...


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Christian news, views and interviews from all over the world | The Christian Messenger | Evangelism 趣聞〕 大陸的賊 第一次,我下夜班回家,已經很晚了,我在衛生間洗嗽,忽然聽到門口有動靜。好象是有人在門口撬我的鎖。於是我大喝一聲:「誰,幹什麼?」誰知道那賊卻在門口答道:「這麼晚了還不睡覺,搞什麼搞。」說完就沒有聲音了。我一時不知所措......第二次,我白天在家休息,正在上網的時候,忽然Over 4 million have fled Syria, says UN » The Christian Messenger News Desk 10:08 pm | More than four million Syrians – a sixth of the population – have fled abroad to escape the conflict in their country, the United Nations has said. A surge in the numbe...


U.S. Central Command Twitter Account Suspended After Apparent ISIS Hack - US News有一個非常有錢的女富婆,家財萬貴,也請了女傭來整理家務..........有一天,這女富婆早上一醒來,發現他身旁的老公竟然已經斷氣歸西了女富婆驚訝之餘,急忙快步狂奔下樓,大聲向女傭喊叫:王媽!王媽!女傭王媽聽到女富婆的聲音,趕緊從廚房裡跑出來,說:太太,發生了什麼事了?女富婆氣喘喘的說:早餐的牛奶、U.S. Central Command Twitter Account Suspended After Apparent ISIS Hack Group claiming to be the 'CyberCaliphate' issues string of threatening tweets from the Middle East headquarters. This screen grab made Monday shows the front page of the U.S. Central ...


Winnipeg ISIS supporter's detention 'should shock every Canadian,' rights group says - Manitoba - CB一個人說:“我倒楣死了,昨天開著剛買的新車出去兜風,正得意著呢,忽然看到馬路前面有一塊牌子,上面寫什麼東西,太遠了,沒看清楚。我就趕緊開過去,一看,只見牌子上寫著:前面有溝,請繞行。可剛看完,我還沒反應過來,就連人帶車掉下去了。”說到這,他停了停問:“老兄,你怎麼The head of the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties says 23-year-old ISIS supporter Aaron Driver should be charged or released from jail immediately. Winnipeg ISIS supporter Aaron Driver to stay in custody for 2 more weeks Driver has been in cus...
