msvcr80 dll win7

MSVCR80.dll Missing (Fix for Windows 7/8, Vista and Windows XP)也可以用這個理由跟老闆請假嗎? The error may appear something like the following: “This application failed to start because MSVCR80.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. ... Windows and Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 & 8 logos are trademarks or registered .....


MSVCR80.DLL Missing Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums我要先從鼻子開始吃~~ When I try to open a .pps file ,up pops an eror message telling me I do not have the above file, try re-installing it. Using my wife's laptop I searched for the file msvcr80.dll and it came up with a ... Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. Our forum is dedicated...


MSVCR80.DLL Missing - Windows 7 Help Forums到底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)That DLL is probably needed by iTunes (or other software on your system). DLLs are components of software (programs, applications), that may be used by more than one software. As is the case with this one. MSVCR80.DLL stands for "MicroSoft Visual C++ ......


Msvcr80.dll Error Fix Windows 7, Win 8, Vista & XP   所以我們的朋友最可憐阿XD    As an Intel Software Partner, Reginout has shown exuberant performance over the years not just in its capacity to introduce consumer software technology but also in ... faster On a Windows 7 (6.1.7601) 32-bit system, Microsoft Word 2010 experienced astoun...


What is MSVCR80.dll? - Windows 7/8/XP file forum   你看到了嗎?  Windows 7/8/XP doesn't need MSVCR80.dll. Click here to know if MSVCR80 is safe and how to avoid MSVCR80.dll errors. ... What is MSVCR80.dll? MSVCR80.dll is a Windows DLL file. DLL is the abbreviation for Dynamic Link Library. DLL files are needed by ......
