LAMBORGHINI 將於2018年推出品牌首部休旅URUS
Mt. Gox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia超跑品牌Lamborghini也將加入休旅車市場,目前預估將在2018年推出首款休旅車。此外,這款Urus也會是Lamborghini首次嘗試渦輪增壓引擎,更是史上首款插電式油電混合動力車款。在這台休旅上,Lamborghini做了諸多第一次的嘗試。Lamborghini研發總監Maurizio RMt. Gox was a Bitcoin exchange based in Tokyo, Japan. It was launched in July 2010, and by 2013 was handling 70% of all Bitcoin transactions.[1] In February 2014, the Mt. Gox company suspended trading, closed its website and exchange service, and filed fo...