MT65xx Android Phone Driver for Win 7, 64 bit - Microsoft Community年輕的傑克,正逢兵役年齡,抽籤的結果,正好抽中下下簽,最艱苦的兵種———海軍陸戰隊。 傑克為此整日憂心忡忡,幾乎到了茶不思、飯不想的地步。深具智慧的祖父奧克托,見到自己的孫子這副模樣,便尋思要好好地教導他。 老奧克托:“ 孩子啊,沒什麼好擔心MT65xx Android Phone Driver for Win 7, 64 bit When I contact my Adroid phone to my laptop, it attempts to install the driver, but then return the message: "Device driver was not successfully installed". Please help!! Mike Reply Reply with quote Found this...