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Music Box Theatre - Chicago's year-round film festival 文/小火車 圖/廖子賢 話說用來上班代步、假日出遊約會的愛車可不像委身窄巷內的2、30年老公寓,即便年久失修,卻還可以年年漲不停。車子它這輩子最大的宿命無非就是屬「折舊」它最大尾。從年頭、年中,甚至到年尾,折舊它總是寸步不離的依附在你的愛車上。尤其購買新車的前三年,折舊就像是個叛逆期的孩子,即便你Independently owned and operated, the Music Box Theatre is the premiere venue in Chicago for independent and foreign films. ... Special Announcements IDA Wins Best Foreign Film Oscar! Read more! Now you can buy your tickets online! The Music Box Theatre ....


PG Music - Official Site 27 歲的超美形變性模特兒 Aydian Dowling,日前拍攝了一張裸照,向魔力紅 Maroon 5 主唱 Adam Levine 致敬,而其實 Adam Levine 替英國 Cosmopolitan 雜誌拍攝這張照片的同時,是希望喚醒大家對於睾丸癌的關注,而變Makers of Band-in-a-Box, PowerTracks, Modern Jazz Pianist, Latin Pianist, others for Mac and IBM....


iMesh - Official Site   來到一個壯闊的風景區,拍照時最好使用全景模式才能將美景容納到整個視窗,拍起來也更有氣勢 ; 但如果拍攝全景不夠細心,很容易產生以下恐怖畫面,看完真讓人覺得太恐怖啦!   ▼怎麼變得像蜈蚣或毛毛蟲…. ▼超像恐怖電影  ▼中間的身體是? ▼雖然恐怖但又A clone of BearShare which connects to the same, proprietary network approved by the RIAA. Requires a monthly subscription for full access, only music files controlled by acoustic fingerprinting and video files under 15 minutes are allowed....


Juno Download: dance music on MP3 and WAV 在這樣進入春天的季節,忽冷忽熱的溫度相當難掌握服裝的搭配,想要保暖又怕待會太陽出來又太熱,這時候配件圍巾就會是不錯的選擇,不僅攜帶方便且可以輕鬆組合各種造型。而其實圍巾的打法也相當多變,在此整理出相當實用的 6 招圍巾打法,輕鬆讓你變換出造型,又可以保持新鮮感。喜愛時尚潮流的男性們,本篇Vinyl & CDs The world's largest dance music store featuring the most comprehensive selection of new and back catalogue dance music Vinyl and CDs online. ... about juno download Welcome to Juno Download. We have nearly 4 million dance tracks available ......


SoundClick - Official Site 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】   布魯克林,就在河的另一邊,雖然離曼哈頓一點也不遠,但我很少會跨河過去看看,除了因為繁忙的日程,當然也有一部分歸咎於懶惰…但只要有機會,實在沒理由不去逛逛,布魯克林是一個充滿個性特色又迷人的好地方。近來我因為工作花了很多時間待在SoundClick - the best free artist music community. Exclusive top stars and unsigned bands. Free member pages including unlimited free webspace, free MP3 download and hosting, streaming audio, personalized news, charts, tour calendar, auctions, ecommerce ....


Music - The World's Top New Artists & New Music Videos 身為一個動漫迷,相信大家都知道日本動漫當中不乏劇情龐大的大氣之作,尤其是追著連載跑的讀者,每次都會想「啊~不知道作者下次會出什麼招啊~~」,而漫畫家們也時常給出驚喜的轉折,或早已設定好的巨大祕密,讓讀者邊看邊燒腦!日本網站 goo 就請了 500 位涉獵廣泛的動漫迷,男女各半半,選出他們心目中「看We feature the best music videos from the world's pop and new artists. We also help artists launch their releases globally and keep all their royalties. ... Leon Russell and John ......
