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Bus driver hit by flying piece of metal in China - YouTube 偷吃男現身說法,劈腿的真相! 男人為什麼偷吃?有人拿生物演化來自圓其說,有人說是對於感情現狀不滿,《美麗佳人》訪問到真實世界裡的劈腿男們,自爆他們為什麼偷吃。 其實只要你問身邊任何一個朋友,類似的事件可說層出不窮。無論是一夜情、小三篡位成正宮、曖昧的紅顏露水姻緣、工作曖昧…等等。當然A Chinese bus driver has died after a flying piece of metal smashed through his windscreen. He managed to put the brakes on, saving his passengers. Report by Mark Morris. Subscribe to ITN News: Check out the rest o...
