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Volkswagen EuroVan MV - Road Test - Car Reviews - Car and Driver 圖片來自 為了證明我對北川景子的愛沒有改變,所以請容許今年我用這張當封面(蛤!?)去年也發表過這個由ORICON STYLE女性讀者票選「最想變成的臉」,年年發表來到了第6回!除了可以看出日本女生對同性長相的喜好外,其實也If you're largely stumped by the aging Volkswagen EuroVan, consider this: So is Volkswagen. The seven-passenger "T4" first reached U.S. shores in 1992-the fourth new platform within VW's half-century of van assembly. Initially fitted with an anemic 109-hp...


Bus driver hit by flying piece of metal in China - YouTube 圖片來源:nifty 麻將是很多人的休閒娛樂之一,也是運動的一種,桌上乾泳....啊!不是啦,是腦袋運動啦,像是麻將電影經典的就好幾部了~但其實麻將也是有不少漫畫的唷!那各位卡友都知道有時候漫畫需要畫面效果會把畫面稍作誇飾表達,那最常看到的表現麻將手法就是...   正在思考要出甚麼麻將A Chinese bus driver has died after a flying piece of metal smashed through his windscreen. He managed to put the brakes on, saving his passengers. Report by Mark Morris. Subscribe to ITN News: Check out the rest o...
