‘MVP Baseball … 2015’? How the Best Baseball Video Game Ever Has Refused to Retire for 10 Years « 世界上最大的戒指有多重?最長的頭髮有多長?那些破金氏世界紀錄的是些什麼人?一起來見證奇蹟的時刻吧! 最靈活的雙腳 來自英國倫敦的14歲男孩Maxwell Day憑藉獨特、靈活的雙腳技能成功入選《金氏世界紀錄大全2017》。經認證,他的右腳可以旋轉157度,左腳可以旋轉1For Hernandez, Rivera, De La Cruz, and their collaborators, modding MVP isn’t merely a matter of avoiding the hassle or expense of paying for a PlayStation. It’s personal. The only way they can play a game featuring their favorite teams and players is to ...