mw led driver

Switching Power Supply - Mean Well Switching Power Supply Manufacturer你懂的~ ~~Mean Well Switching Power Supply. Mean Well is a Switching Power Supply manufacturer in Taiwan. - SPS manufacturer, AC DC , DC DC , Medical and Din Rail power supply, LED power supply ... E stablished in 1982, Mean Well is a leading standard switching ......


DC/DC LED Driver IC and Linear Control Solutions我們家的狗狗不見了.......請問有誰看到 ?.... 麻煩告知!! 有獎賞喔 !!!Our comprehensive LED Driver portfolio includes products tailored to high, medium and low power LED driving: LED drivers for low power LEDs (0.1W – 0.2W) BCR401W / BCR402W are the lowest-cost LED drivers in the industry, with an adjustable LED current fro...


Mounted LED Features - Thorlabs, Inc. - Your Source for Fiber Optics, Laser Diodes, O1.複製底下這些字 @+[226042057463141:0] 2.貼在此回復 3.把+刪除之後按 enter 妳會看到神奇的東西 Mounted High-Power LEDs,Light Emitting Diodes (LED) ... Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary....


RF & MW Driver Amplifier- Richardson RFPD如果你親眼看著一棵棵大樹變成一本本作業本時,你還忍心寫作業嗎?要知道,沒有買賣,就沒有殺害!!!為了保護大自然,為了下一代!!我們拒絕寫作業! EMAIL THIS PAGE PRINT THIS PAGE EXPORT DATA GRID...


NSI50150AD - Adjustable Constant Current Regulator and LED Driver這樣以後喝水都會覺得怪怪的   NSI50150ADT4G 3 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Max Unit Total Device Dissipation (Note 4) TA = 25 C Derate above 25 C PD 2125 14.16 mW mW/ C Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient (Note 4) RθJA 70.6 C/W ......
