mx revolution Logitech MX Revolution Cordless Laser Mouse (Black): Electronics只要用這支催眠器閃一下,短時間內老婆就會變成夢中情人的樣子~一隻99萬!! and large hands Ergonomics and Design The first thing you'll notice about the MX Revolution is the distinct shape, which is very reminiscent of a cresting wave. Fortunately, the design does more than look good. The mouse feels great in small and large han...


Logitech MX Revolution Cordless Laser Mouse (Black) review - CNET 作者 yun0131 ()標題 [笑話] 不可不知,關於假文青的30件事時間 Sat Jul7 00:56:52 2012外表篇1.必備黑框眼鏡(雖然我們看起來都覺得是一樣的,但又喜歡強調自己戴的是哪副名牌)2.喜歡素T搭配針織衫(號稱喜歡簡單的搭配,不過如果是沒人認得出來的牌子是鐵定NG的唷^_Every year we think Logitech has pushed the cordless laser mouse to the limit of functionality, and we're always proved wrong. The MX Revolution has a few minor issues, but for the most part, this high-end mouse continues Logitech's streak of market ......
