my bad是什麼意思

什麼是BAD_POOL_HEADER藍屏錯誤在Windows中是什麼意思?太強啦~~~ The BAD_POOL_HEADER Blue Screen of Death error is caused by drivers and applications that are incompatible with Windows. Here's how to fix it. 我們致力本地化我們在盡可能多的語言的網站越好,然而這一頁是機器使用谷歌翻譯翻譯。...


什麼是核安全檢查故障藍屏錯誤是什麼意思?還我帥氣的超人........!!!!! My computer does this for no reason. I use linux mint 95% of the time with no problems. I use win8.1 with no problems most of time in order to play netflix and such. Occasionally when return from sleep I get BSODS for various reasons. the latest one is th...


新概念英語第三冊視頻講解(裕興版) - 可可英語好難喔...哈哈 新概念英語第三冊視頻講解 第52課:Mud is mud實事求是 課文文本註:目前在網上找到的資源,裕興新概念第三冊只有52課。如果哪位好心人找到後面八課請在可可新概念論壇發消息給我課文內容:My cousin, Harry, keeps a large curiously-shaped bottle on ......
