My Hero作文_英語作文_初二作文_答疑作文網出處:英國那些事兒 原文標題:歐巴馬竊聽川普電話?! 川普連發5條推怒懟! 這是要搞大事啊 美國時間一早, 川普突然憤怒地連發了好幾條推文... 目標指名歐巴馬! 你當時在大選前居然敢竊聽我??? 「太震驚了!剛剛發現歐巴馬在我競選獲My Hero Everyone has his hero ,So do i.Helen is my hero.Helen Keller was very famous writer.when she was young,she was very clever. But at the age of two she was badly ill and couldn't see hear or speak After a few years,A teacher taught her to speak ......