英國『豹王』出籠!Jaguar F-Type SVR雙車型售價正式發布
My Maps Plus, Welcome - Embed Google My Maps into your Website or Blog - Share Maps in the Map LibraisCar! 繼Jaguar發佈極速可達320km/h的F-Type SVR的預告片後,F-Type SVR的實車終於正式發表了!F-Type SVR coupe雙門車型售價110,000英鎊,約522萬台幣,F-Type SVR convertible敞篷車型售價115,485英鎊,約584萬台幣My Maps Plus is a site that lets you embed maps created using Google My Maps into any blog or website. You can opt to share your map with other users and let us link to the page where you embed the map. The service is free. You can use the map code from ....