How to print out iPhone SMS text Messages using my computer?搭訕某日,無聊出門逛街,看見前面有一漂亮mm…… 苦於無搭訕的辦法,於是揀起一塊磚頭。上前問mm:同學,這是你掉的吧? 很有緣分朋友的同學,晚自習上追一mm,上去問:同學,請問現在幾點?mm看了看表:八點半。那廝一臉驚訝的說:啊……我Hi Guys, I have been searching for an easy way to print iPhone text messages but haven’t found it. Can you guys suggest me something to print my iPhone text conversations? P.S- Don’t ask me to do "Screen Shots" then email thing as I have several SMS's to ...