my very first mother goose book

Reasons I Love My Mother一天晚上,一位很久沒有聯系的老友從北京打來長途電話,笑嘻嘻地要我參加她的“愛情小測試”,看她興致這么高,我于是爽快地答應了。她給了我幾樣東西:房子、兔子、老虎,還有“我“自己,讓我憑著直覺編一個故事。我想了想說:“有一只老虎在追趕我,我嚇得Reason #365: She lived her life with grace. Whether she was setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner or remembering to get birthday presents for the neighbor children, she did it with grace. When she walked away from a bad first marriage at the age of tw...


MY BOOK, THE MOVIE我已經傻樂好幾天了,從收到那個世界上最美好的手機短信開始。“親愛的,你要做爸爸了,他(她)的預產期是你30歲的生日。你幸福嗎?”我幸福嗎?親愛的,你說我幸福嗎?我發誓!那一刻沒有一只虱子可以在我身上扒住--如果我有虱子的話。我跳啊!笑啊!叫啊!……Katrina Leno grew up in Connecticut and spent her childhood summers by the shore in Massachusetts, where The Half Life of Molly Pierce, her first novel, takes place. Leno was first published at the age of sixteen in the Connecticut Review and now holds an...


My Mother: What I Wish I Could Say - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post小明是一個很混的小孩他爸爸擔心他的成績,就跟他說,如果考上一間好的國中,就給他一個愿望。於是小明就很認真,結果果然考上了一間很有名的國中。他爸就說:我可以給你一個愿望小明就說:什麼愿望都可以嗎他爸就說:沒錯,什麼愿望都可以!小明就說:那我要三根不同顏色的羽毛。他爸覺得很奇怪小明為什麼不要一些別的東西In 2006, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer; she died on Christmas Day of 2008 at the age of 55, when I was 32. While she was ill, I kept assuring myself I would write her a letter to say all the things I'd never said about how much I loved her and...


My Very First Blog: Why Do You Wear Underwear?我想和我馬子結婚,可是我沒有錢。這年頭誰都知道,沒錢甭想結婚。可我馬子他家那兩老不死居然以為他們生的是熊貓,眉毛都不皺一下就說禮金得要十萬。我有自知之明,賣了我也沒這個價,可是我還是想結婚。阿a是我一兄弟,從小玩到大的那種。這家伙有先見之明,趕在物價沒有飛漲之前就把結婚這事給搞定了。他做事那廠屬于國mei teng, don't worry, I assure you no leakages on my sofa cos I'm a very clean person. Ahem! Actually I sit on the floor most of the time, so if there are leakages, usually they'll be on the floor. Haha! But I mop the floor everyday. OK, actually my brot...


my very first mother goose book - 相關部落格其實我的錢包被人搶過七七四十九次了,被偷也有九九八十一次可每一次都一樣,頂多三天,都原原本本一樣不少的給送回來關鍵是我錢包里都放了好些“寶貝”嘿~~諸位要不要見識下啥寶貝這么神奇?1、癌癥晚期病危通知書一張(注明剩余30~90天生命)2、寫給女友的分手信一封(郵票已貼)3、未...


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