my very first mother goose book

Reasons I Love My Mother 今天這個故事,發生在三十多年前...   照片裡這個姑娘叫Cheryl Pierson,來自美國,她有著一段讓人嘆息的經歷。     1965年,一個叫James Pierson的男人和一個女人結婚。小兩口感情很好,很快他們生了三個孩子,其中排行第二的孩子,就是CheReason #365: She lived her life with grace. Whether she was setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner or remembering to get birthday presents for the neighbor children, she did it with grace. When she walked away from a bad first marriage at the age of tw...


MY BOOK, THE MOVIE    女人以為,男人最在乎的是性 男人以為,女人最在乎的是錢。 女人覺得,報答男人的最好方法是為他守身如玉。 男人覺得,報答女人的最好方法是給她更多的錢。 女人覺得,報復男人的最好方法是跟別的男人上床。 男人覺得,報復女人的最好方法是把錢給別的女人。    Katrina Leno grew up in Connecticut and spent her childhood summers by the shore in Massachusetts, where The Half Life of Molly Pierce, her first novel, takes place. Leno was first published at the age of sixteen in the Connecticut Review and now holds an...


My Mother: What I Wish I Could Say - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post     所有人都是抱著一顆信誓旦旦的心走進婚禮的殿堂,流著淚念著給對方的誓言,完成愛情長跑,結為連理,殊不知真正的生活才剛剛開始。很多人,走著走著就散了,很多感情,處著處著就變淡了,婚姻要是不懂得經營,就會這樣一步步變淡。     少了一份分享,多了一份冷漠In 2006, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer; she died on Christmas Day of 2008 at the age of 55, when I was 32. While she was ill, I kept assuring myself I would write her a letter to say all the things I'd never said about how much I loved her and...


My Very First Blog: Why Do You Wear Underwear? 話說…   越來越多的外國網友選擇在youtube上建立頻道,發布一些自己的視頻。   其中有很多年輕父母,他們會選擇,把自己和家裡孩子的生活日常拍下來,並上傳到網上,吸引大家觀看...   其中,就包括了一些對孩子惡作劇的主題...   &nmei teng, don't worry, I assure you no leakages on my sofa cos I'm a very clean person. Ahem! Actually I sit on the floor most of the time, so if there are leakages, usually they'll be on the floor. Haha! But I mop the floor everyday. OK, actually my brot...


my very first mother goose book - 相關部落格  話說近年來,丹麥人民有點煩惱...   原因麼....   從昨天丹麥大使館的官微發的這篇文章說起...       帖子其實是說一種叫太平洋牡蠣的入侵物種,現在入侵了整個丹麥海灘…     因為沒有天...


Google Books 話說…   今天Facebook上挺熱鬧的…   有一場直播吸引了數萬網友的圍觀,還得到了很多媒體的轉載…   這場直播沒有網紅…沒有撕逼…甚至,沒什麼聲音…   直播的全程Search and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide using Google Book Search. Discover a new favorite or unearth an old classic....
