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Apps in Education這本是歡樂沙灘之行,沙灘、海水、晚風、圓月,美景當前,夥伴們挖洞、蓋沙,但一男子“玩”大了,他把自己“妥妥”地埋在了沙中。可這時,海水開始一步步地逼近,他深陷沙灘中無法“自拔”。   日前,正在休整的前埔消防中隊官兵接Ultimate Sharks: FREE Ever wondered what it would be like to swim among the ocean’s deadliest sharks? Get in the middle of the action as only Discovery can – intense attack stories, 3D interactive sharks, exclusive HD videos and awesome high-resolution .....


Kindertown / Find the Best Educational Apps for Preschoolers 世界上每個人都是獨特的,而影像證實了這一點。請集中精神看這幅旋轉的畫面,有些人看到黃色、綠色,少部分的人看到紅色,而科學家尚未確定每個人看到不同顏色的原因。華盛頓大學表示:「轉盤中的黑和白各刺激視網膜不同區域。」編輯看到紫色,你們呢? 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKThe KinderTown app helps busy parents find the best educational apps for kids ages 3-6 years old. Download it on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch and teach your little one ......


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