只有矮子才懂 高個子的通通滾開 拭淚...
PHP: mysql_fetch_assoc - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor只有矮子才懂!!!高個子的通通滾開!!!(拭淚...) 洗衣機沒事這麼深幹嘛?! 放那麼高是想整誰?! 沒看過人站在櫃子上嗎 不要把你的手放在我頭上拉(白眼) 褲子一定要做這麼長嗎? ..... 冰箱這麼高是想怎樣 我就是碰不到地... viaActually, Olivier, you're completely wrong about that, because there's a bug in your sample code. It will indeed return $row['MAX(time)'] - you have to pass the MySQL resource to mysql_fetch_assoc() and you're not doing that. This: $row = mysql_fetch_asso...