mysql free result

PHP: mysql_free_result - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor通過X光發現人體內千奇百怪的東西                  I agree with Joachim Kruyswijk (posted on 14-Jun-2005 11:42). I just did the test on my beta version of my new site (who needs to get dynamically news and user login from a database) and i use 1000kb less memory when i do not use mysql_free_result. I gues...


MySQL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia絕對讓老師氣死的考卷                              MySQL (/maɪ ˌɛskjuːˈɛl/ "My S-Q-L",[6] officially, but also called /maɪ ˈsiːkwəl/ "My Sequel") is (as of July 2013[update]) the world's second most[a] widely used relational database management system (RDBMS)[7] and most widely used open-source RDBMS.[8] ...


MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: mysql_store_result()超級新娘集合   MYSQL_RES *mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql) Description After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT ......


MySQL :: MySQL and PHP :: 3.11.4 mysqli_result::fetch_array, mysqli_fetch_array 還真是超豪華坐椅啊XDDescription Object oriented style mixed mysqli_result::fetch_array (int resulttype = =MYSQLI_BOTH); Procedural style mixed mysqli_fetch_array (mysqli_result result, int resulttype = =MYSQLI_BOTH); Returns an array that corresponds to ......
