這位女生分享了色情產業中22個不為人知的小秘密, 10完全把我嚇了一大跳!
MySQL NOW() Function - MySQL Tutorial - Learn MySQL Fast, Easy and Fun. (圖片取自 名叫麥莉 (Miley White) 的美國色情行業女優,分享了自己入行以來所遇到的"一般人不太知道的事情",有些真的超有趣的啊! 1. 人們總是很難相信她在從事這一行。她曾向別人坦承自己是色情行業女優,但人們都以為她在開玩笑,結果當她隨便改口說Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the MySQL NOW() function and apply the NOW function in various contexts. Introduction to MySQL NOW() function The MySQL NOW() function returns the current date and time in the configured time zone as a strin...