fly - definition of fly by The Free Dictionary 照片里的這個老奶奶叫Janice Lorraine,今年74歲,來自澳大利亞。 74歲,必須是老年狀態了,每天吃個飯,散個步,逗逗孫子什麼的,舒服安穩過慢節奏的日子,這屬於常態。 然而,這個女人偏不... 很多第一次見到她的人都fly 1 (flī) v. flew (flo o), flown (flōn), fly·ing, flies (flīz) v.intr. 1. To engage in flight, especially: a. To move through the air by means of wings or winglike parts. b. To travel by air: We flew to Dallas. c. To operate an aircraft or spacecraft. 2...