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Cut Ties to Donald Trump, Big Donors Urge R.N.C. - The New York Times小王去菜場趙大爺那裡買菜,接過秤好的菜, 他覺得有點不對勁。於是小王掏出自己新買的手機放在秤上, 看著秤上的數字, 小王說道:趙大爺,我這手機112克,在你秤上卻顯示150克,你的秤有問題吧? 傻孩子,你手機裡下載了那麼多軟件,肯定會變重啊。 小王一想,也對,於是就拎著菜回家了。 Donald J. Trump on Thursday in West Palm Beach, Fla. A top Republican donor called Mr. Trump a “dangerous demagogue completely unsuited” to be president. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times WASHINGTON — Several of the Republican Party’s most generou...


Spy Agency Consensus Grows That Russia Hacked D.N.C. - The New York Times從地球出現人類後,在不同地區不同國家,就各自開始有了不同的演化,看看不同的國度有什麼差異性的發展,但看起來對那個國家的印象似乎就是這樣子了!不過也就因為多元性,所以這世界才會這麼有趣吧!歐洲 最早走入文明的世界俄羅斯 始終很愛用武力對決美國 漢堡造就許多胖子 日本 最後會成為鋼彈的國度羅馬尼亞 熊出In an interview with Savannah Guthrie of NBC News on Tuesday, President Obama stopped short of accusing the Russian agencies from seeking to manipulate the election but said, “Anything’s possible.” He noted that “on a regular basis, they try to influence ...


Ken Stabler, a Magnetic N.F.L. Star, Was Sapped of Spirit by C.T.E. - The New York Times我找到和我杯子一樣顏色的車子了 我爸爸在緬甸幫我買的鑲金計算機 我家外面的游泳池 在我家後院打高爾夫 客廳 我家後院 壽司外帶當然是在飛機上吃 我家後院有個大草皮 船上發現LV山 我在我家的圖書館 我在船上嗎?我在直升機上。 買單不算錢的,直接算重量比較快。 我姊家地下的保齡球室 假日和女友在家烤肉On the neuropathologist’s scale of 1 to 4, Stabler had high Stage 3 chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or C.T.E., the degenerative brain disease believed to be caused by repeated blows to the head, according to researchers at Boston University. The relatio...


Crystalinks Home Page幼稚園的漂亮姐姐調戲小正太:“帥哥,有女朋友嗎?” 正太不予理睬。姐姐賊心不死:“姐姐給你當女朋友好不好啊?” 正太無動於衷。姐姐繼續誘惑:“姐姐還沒有男朋友哦。” 正太瞟了一眼姐姐不屑道:“我有。” &Trump's Revolving Door November 18, 2016 7:00 AM EST Trump's reign as president, his Cabinet and other political choices, will continue to keep us engaged - coming and going like/through a revolving door at Trump Tower. Remember his mantra on The ......


N.S.A. Contractor Arrested in Possible New Theft of Secrets - The New York Times小的時候去醫院體檢驗血,非常害怕,不停的哭。 一個小哥哥過來關心的問我怎麼了, 我說:“驗血要割手指,好疼。” 小哥哥聽完後立即嚎啕大哭,也顧不上安慰我了。 我納悶的問:“你也要驗血嗎?” 小哥哥說:“我驗尿。” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, defended the Obama administration’s procedures for protecting national security information, arguing on Wednesday that since Mr. Snowden’s disclosures, agencies have tightened their security measures. He cite...
