naga 2014

Razer Naga 2014Recently Razer introduced their new Naga 2014, the second major redesign of the Naga although I would consider the 2012 edition to be less of a “major” redesign. I’m really excited to see what they have learned from the last model and changed for this mod...


延續經典設計的新進化, Razer Naga 2014 動手玩 | 癮科技Step 1 :在google搜尋「Let it snow」   Step2:google就開始下雪了!   Step3:用滑鼠還可以把雪擦掉喔!用個充滿白雪的畫面~跟喜歡的人告白吧 ^ ^ Naga 2014 可說是一款針對先前 Naga 系列在市場反應重新進化的產物,改善拇指側邊鍵的設計與提供機械按鍵,並且加入滾輪側傾鍵,一口氣提供達 19 個可自定義的按鍵,加上可針對鼠墊類行進型校正,提供更合乎 MMO RPG ......


Razer Naga (2014) review - Engadget - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and FeaturesComfort, accuracy, and customization options -- a good gaming mouse needs these to succeed, and the 2014 edition of the Razer Naga has them in spades. Though the original Naga already hit good marks in the design and comfort departments, the changes to .....


Razer Naga 2014 | Razer SupportHow does the left and right Tilt-click scroll wheel feature work on my Razer Naga 2014? Can I use the tilt scroll wheel for scrolling left and right? The default Razer Synapse 2.0 settings of the Naga 2014 tilt-click scroll wheel are: PC: Tilt Left = Alt ...


延續經典設計的新進化, Razer Naga 2014 動手玩 - Yahoo奇摩3C科技閱讀Yahoo奇摩3C科技上的「延續經典設計的新進化, Razer Naga 2014 動手玩」。 Razer 以 MMO RPG 遊戲玩家需求為出發點所設計的 Naga 納迦梵蛇,以獨特的側邊 12 鍵讓玩家幾乎只需要靠滑鼠就能操作角色多數的技能,從一開始不被市場看好,如今市場上也 ......
