擁有世界最美眼睛的她,12歲就火遍全球,如今卻在地獄裡掙扎,顛沛流離40餘年,她只祈求 世界和平……
Razer Naga 2014 世界上的眼睛眾多,但是美得打動人心的卻沒有幾個。曾經有人列出了一個世界上最美麗的眼睛排行榜。 艾西瓦婭·巴克罕(Aishwarya Rai) 巴克罕擁有一雙淺灰色瞳孔的眼睛,漂亮的眼睛為她的美貌增色了不少。 &nbsRecently Razer introduced their new Naga 2014, the second major redesign of the Naga although I would consider the 2012 edition to be less of a “major” redesign. I’m really excited to see what they have learned from the last model and changed for this mod...