Razer Naga 2014修理門鈴 楊太太家裡的門鈴壞了 , 於是她請修理員來家裡修理門鈴 。她等了兩三天 , 一直看不見修理員來 , 她只好再打電話去問 :你前幾天不是答應我要來修理門鈴 , 為什麼一直沒來 ?修理員回答 : 我昨天去過了 , 按了三次門鈴都沒有人來開門, 所以我就走了 。Recently Razer introduced their new Naga 2014, the second major redesign of the Naga although I would consider the 2012 edition to be less of a “major” redesign. I’m really excited to see what they have learned from the last model and changed for this mod...