naga viper

Naga Viper - Wikipedia   這樣,我還領得出錢嗎?Il peperoncino Naga Viper entrò nel Guinness dei primati come il peperoncino più piccante al mondo il 25 febbraio 2011 con un valore di Scoville di 1.382.118, battendo il precedente record del Chili Infinity [1]. Il suo record è stato ulteriormente battut...


Meet the Naga Viper pepper: so hot it can strip paint - NY Daily News      雞腳~雞腳~雞腳~雞腳~雞腳~雞腳~哈哈哈哈哈XD      That's one spicy, paint-peeling pepper. The Naga Viper, a cross between three of the hottest exiting varieties, is set to become the hottest chili in the world. It's so hot that it can strip paint. And weapons experts are even considering using the chili ...


New Record Chilli – Naga Viper chilli – 1,349,000 SHU’s     我也要看!我也要看!今天晚上有甚麼好料?A new Chilli has just broken all records for heat, at 1,349,000 SHU’s (Scoville Heat Units). The new record holder is the Naga Viper chilli from The Chilli Pepper Company it has been tested at Warwick University HRI, who are quoted as saying “it’s hot eno...


Treble Boosters: Why You Need a Naga Viper    這個頭像也太像... 差點分不出來I place it up front because the input is kinda finicky. It wants to respond to your guitar’s volume knob. The Naga is interesting because it reacts differently when run in front of different pedals. For instance, in front of an Xotic Effects AC Booster, i...


The Chilli Pepper Company – Naga Viper - The ChileFoundry – The UK’s Online Magazine for Chilli Revi    不過時速可以到多少呢?    Right people, its been a while since I reviewed one of Geds masterpieces, so here is such a review! I have known Ged from The Chilli Pepper Company (CPC) for a couple of ... Editors Note:- Since Darth Naga Did this review the label has been redesigned, we...
