nail linux

nail(1): send/receive Internet mail - Linux man page七千多萬耶~還不快去抓!XDD Mailx is an intelligent mail processing system, which has a command syntax reminiscent of ed(1) with lines replaced by messages. ... mailx [-BDdEFintv~] [-s subject] [-a attachment] [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [-r from-addr] [-h hops] [-A account] [-S vari...


Windows 10 is the final nail in the coffin for the Linux desktop 這是擬真的嬰兒餅乾!你吃得下去嗎? 我一直想到三更二 餃子的情節啦!For years now, we Linux fans -- yes, myself included -- have been dreaming of the fabled "Year of the Linux Desktop". What does that mean? To have Linux-based operating systems snag a bigger piece of the desktop pie, if not a majority. While a majority sh...


Rusty Nail Workshop   以後看到狗屎你有興趣端詳一下嗎?We were only about one month into the 2013 lawn mowing season when we decided that we had had enough. Mowing the lawn wasn’t fun. It’s hot, dirty, smelly work that is better left to someone, or something else. We decided right then and there that we neede...


鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 關於指令應用   這種朋友,真的是害死人不償命!Linux 多人多工與背景執行功能 多人多工 Linux 最為人所稱道的即是其多人多工的能力,你可以在任何時刻連線上來你的 Linux 主機,並且同時做很多的工作,例如同時執行 http 的 Web 功能,同時進行 fortran 等程式語言的編輯,並同時上網聊天!...


The Nailasaurus | UK Nail Art Blog - Nail art with bite 這是上班,上課專用髮型! 大家學著點!Nail art with bite ... Finding a good white polish is a journey for any nail art lover. And at some point during that journey, you’ll come to realise that one white polish probably isn’t enough when it turns out your favourite white base is pretty much in...


Home | Sweet Lily   鴨媽媽妳真是不小心!size剛剛好啊!Welcome to a conscious world of nail care - a place where beauty co-exists with safe, natural and effective products without the use of harsh chemicals. Located in the heart of TriBeCa, we invite you to visit our little retreat and leave the hectic city b...
