名人穿啥|最具代表性的嘻哈「靴履」無誤!讓 AL ROCCO 教你如何將 TIMBERLAND 經典
International Nano Letters image via @alrocco 說到最嘻哈的球鞋代表你腦袋可能出現許多選項,但如果是靴子,那非 Timberland 經典的 6 吋黃靴莫屬,從早期的 Biggie 、 Tupac 等 OG 級饒舌歌手就在穿著耐操、耐磨的 Timberland 黃靴,宛如成為嘻哈頭的標配,而今The overall aim of the International Nano Letters is to bring science and applications together on nanoscale and nanostructured materials with emphasis on synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing true nanosize dime...