NAT KING COLE L-O-V-E - YouTube ▲6個比基尼女生。(source:ptt,下同) 大家好,我是綠島小白兔~ 不知道大家有沒有去過綠島呢?剛從綠島回來的小白兔真的完全曬黑了,但是最棒的是可以穿著比基尼環島,也不會有人覺得很奇怪,畢竟全島到處都有人在浮潛和玩水嘛!綠島真是個好地方,歡迎各位親們去參觀參觀,不過記得找對人Nat's last recording session came on Dec. 3, 1964 completing his soon-to-be released L.O.V.E album. "L-O-V-E" was one of the three songs Nat recorded that day, and he would pass away less than 3 months from the date of this session. Nat knew at the time o...