Russian Machine Never Breaks - Official Site越來越多的男人討不到老婆因為越來越多女人不想結婚7女人說:我想偶爾跟朋友出去,不想失去單身的自由;我想高興吃什麼就吃什麼,不想變成理所當然的煮飯婆;我想花錢打扮自己讓自己開心,不想每天想著要怎麼省來貼補家用;我想當媽媽永遠的心肝寶貝,不想提心吊膽不知道婆婆什麼時候會嫌我;我想當永遠的情人,不想在努力Photo: LA Kings Wednesday night, the Caps made a big move signing Justin Williams to an affordable two-year deal. Williams has the reputation of a leader who thrives in big moments. He’s also a darn good hockey player who really does make players around h...