Toshiba Support Forums: NB200 RAM Upgrade ... 先聲明, 我是男生因為個性柔弱清純, 所以綽號小百合 小百合在米國某醫學中心就讀每天除了唸書就是唸書基本上累得跟狗一樣 某天在課表上看到讓人眼睛一亮的課: 啥? 婦科?標準病人? 這是什麼? 可以吃嗎 小百合:「學長學長, 什麼Hey guys, I'm thinking about upgrading my nb200 to 2BG ram. Can you people that have done the upgrade please tell me if it makes a noticeable difference. I am not playing games, just surfing the web and doing emails and some MS office applications and oth...