MSPC 春夏首發 異材拼接新境界 帆布與尼龍的多用托特包 NBA 2K13 - Xbox 360: Video Games 使用較一般棉纖維更具高光澤感的20番精梳棉去除較短雜纖維,縱橫皆等長後進行縱系7本撚、橫系9本撚的多撚系工序;縱系40本、橫系30本的綿纖維織成之6號帆布需具備較9號帆布更精密之密度設計計算且較傳統6號帆布更加細密。 由古式力織機製作而成的布匹均於布頭留下三條線的布耳,此為master-pieceWith more than 5 million copies sold worldwide and more than 25 Sports Game of the Year awards won, NBA 2K12 was another monster release for the biggest NBA video game simulation franchise in the world. This year, 2K Sports has joined forces with the lege...