NBA 2K (series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 你試過幾種了?@?@【髮】:思慕【額】:祝福/友情【臉】:憧憬【耳】:誘惑【鼻樑】:愛玩【臉頰】:親愛/滿足感【唇】:愛情【喉】:欲求【胸】:所有【手臂】:戀慕【手腕】:慾望【手背】:敬愛【指尖】:讚賞【大腿】:支配 viaThe NBA 2K series is a series of basketball video games developed and released annually. Beginning in 1999 to 2001, the NBA 2K series was an exclusive to the Sega Dreamcast. The series was originally published by Sega, under the label Sega Sports and is n...