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Matthew Dellavedova rehydrated ahead of the NBA Finals game four      最近,日本一網友火了!他以漫畫的形式神總結了女人「結婚前VS結婚後」的變化,引數十萬網友圍觀轉發,更讓無數男同胞大呼:扎心了,老鐵!大家和小編一起感受一下…   起床時   結婚前:嬉鬧歡笑着叫你起床。 結婚後:毫不留情,一Matthew Dellavedova says he won't be slowing down as the Cleveland Cavaliers need two more wins for the NBA Championship. ... ESPN Australia had 118,000 viewers for game two, and with game four falling on a Friday could exceed that number. Carrying two .....


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NBA Finals: Reaction to Matthew Dellavedova's big game 話說,很多人小時候可能都曾經在自己父母的威迫利誘下拍過各種奇葩的童年照,   大紅嘴唇,紅彤彤的臉蛋,再加上奇怪髮型和服裝,勾畫出那個時代社會的獨特審美,成就了一幅我們餘生都不想再去回味的畫面...   要說的是,這樣的童年照,並不是我們童年特有的...   在國外,What they said about Matthew Dellavedova's big game for Cleveland in game two of the NBA Finals against Golden State Warriors. ... AND HE NEVER DOUBTED DELLY'S PAIR OF FREE THROWS WERE GOING IN "Well, he was very calm. "Before you get to ......
