What is the height of an NBA basketball hoop 翻拍自今日頭條 如果不是選擇的陪產,準爸爸把醫生吩咐的需要準備好的東西備好,就只能在外面焦急的等待,但是在寶寶出生以後,不要只記得跟著孩子走,初為人父的激動心情可以理解,但是經歷了分娩的痛苦折磨的媽媽,更希望在被推出產房的時候看到你等待的身影,聽你說一聲,辛苦了親愛的,The official height of an NBA basketball hoop is 10 feet from the floor to the rim. ... Yes because it takes more strenght to shoot it if its higher. So you wanna practice on the right height. anything above 4th grade play on 10ft and under 4th grade is 8...