超瘋狂的動物園一日遊!7張你「此生可能再也看不到第2次」的動物失控照,拜託 5 不要又交配了!
NBA.com - RULE NO. 12-FOULS AND PENALTIES ▲(source:nova919,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家都有去過動物園的經驗吧?雖然動物園裡的動物平常都不容易見到,但還是有人認為去看動物是一件很無聊的事,但是「看動物」真的會無聊嗎?可能是你們沒看見「重點」罷了XD 根據nova919報導,這裡有7張大家「就算再去動a. Requests for a timeout in excess of the authorized number shall be granted and a technical foul shall be assessed. Following the timeout and free throw attempt, the ball will be awarded to the team which shot the free throw and play shall resume with a...