MERCEDES AMG GTR北美報價出爐,全球限量2 000輛
Desktop Wallpaper | Boston Celtics - NBA.comAMG GT 車系,在2015年與AMG C63抵台發表後,就是備受矚目的性能車款,現在AMG GTR 則預計在今年七八月於北美正式起售,售價將是157995,新台幣價格在483.4萬元。這台車將搭載『4.0L V8』雙渦輪增壓汽油引擎(M1777),預估可讓Mercedes-AMG GTR 終極競Desktop Wallpaper Show your Celtics pride! Just follow the directions at the bottom of the page, and you can add any of the following Celtics images to your desktop! Select wallpapers now featuring 1920x1080 resolution for widescreen monitors. All photos ...