Toyota CH-R日規動力數據意外揭露!「跨界神車」2016年年底有望登台?
Caswell County Historical Association: Blanche Post OfficeisCar! 作為豐田旗下首款搶佔跨界迷你SUV市場之作,CH-R量產版本甫一於2016年日內瓦車展現身,眾家競爭車廠無一不是繃緊神經、靜觀其變。而日前豐田日本官網也意外揭露了CH-R日規版本的詳細動力數據,算一算時程,最快在2016年年底我們就有機會在台一睹這款神車最新力作。想當然爾,最有可能受到This photograph of the Blanch (Blanche) Post Office in Caswell County, North Carolina, is thought to have been taken just after the turn of the century (c. 1900). The men relaxing on the porch are identified as: Berkley Allen; Jimmy Gordon; Junie Walters;...