Neutral density filter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia前幾天,朋友說有天晚上1:00多的時候,他的兒子發燒了,當他找出體溫計要替兒子量體溫時,才發現電子體溫計的電池沒電了,家中又沒有傳統體溫計,只得匆匆出門,要到藥房買電池。當他急忙忙的進藥房時,老闆一見他著急的臉色,還沒等他開口,立刻:「有有有!在這裡!」拿著一疊「保險套」!朋友當場愣住,過幾秒才反應In photography and optics, a neutral density filter or ND filter is a filter that reduces or modifies the intensity of all wavelengths or colors of light equally, giving no changes in hue of color rendition. It can be a colorless (clear) or grey filter. T...