Nd:YAG laser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1、“壁咚”一詞最近從11區開始火遍全亞洲,走向全世界了 2、最早出現在少女漫、動畫以及日劇中,現在韓劇等外國偶像劇也開始頻繁出現這一動作 3、最初的動作就是男生一隻手拍在牆上,發出“咚”的一聲,阻擋女生的去路,後來逐漸發展成告白高招,因此現在壁咚也Nd:YAG lasers are optically pumped using a flashtube or laser diodes. These are one of the most common types of laser, and are used for many different applications. Nd:YAG lasers typically emit light with a wavelength of 1064 nm, in the infrared. [3] Howe...