[ R.I.P] 新加坡保時捷賽車,選手比賽奪冠後前往吉隆坡發生意外當場死亡!!
lernu! - Learn Esperanto online. Live tutors, dictionary, books & music一輛甫在雪邦賽車比賽中奪冠的保時捷,今日9/11/2014 凌晨 2:00am 在隆芙大道第3.8公里處,靠近八打靈高原路上疑超速失控,整輛跑車撞向分界堤,車毀人亡兩名新加坡男子當場死亡。其中43歲華裔乘客在新加坡大石洋灰(Tasek Corporation berhad)有限公司擔任非執行董事司機A multilingual website for learning Esperanto easily and free of charge ... You can use this instant messenger to chat with other lernu! users. To start the messenger, click on one of the above buttons. You can find more information under "Help Pages"....