【假火災 真求婚?!】消防員製造假火災,步出濃煙向警察女友求婚~ 感人
Amazon.com - Neato Robotics XV-21 Vacuum Cleaner (Certified Refurbished) - Household Robotic Vacuums美國休士頓(Houston)一名消防員傑西(Jesse Gonzalez),為了給當警察的女友奧爾嘉(Olga Peck)一個特別的求婚,並給她驚喜,特地安排了一場假火災,而待奧爾嘉到場後,他再從濃煙中走到外面,單膝下跪求婚,影片po網後也感動許多網友。根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報The Neato XV-21 takes automatic vacuuming to a new level. Whether your floors are carpet, wood, tile, or vinyl, the XV-21 is ready to take on the task of keeping your floors neat and clean. The XV-21 features a special bristled brush that enables the pick...