Amazon.com - Neato Robotics XV-12 Automatic Vacuum Cleaner - Household Robotic Vacuums 其實鬼月早已經過去了很久,可是靈異事件總是每天都在發生!最近歐美地帶正迎來萬聖鬼節,崇洋的日本網友們都在討論關於遇到鬼的話題。最近一位櫻花妹在twitter上放上了一張與自己男友在夜晚迪士尼的合影…. 這張照片看似很不同,但是如果你仔細看…拍完後發現有雙路人的黑絲襪腿亂The Neato XV-12 Automatic All-Floor Vacuum Cleaner is ready to take on the task of keeping your floors neat and clean. It's Smart-using RPS (laser guided Room Positioning System) the vacuum sees it surroundings and creates a map of everything, including f...