Neato vs Roomba: Which is Better? - All Home Robotics |親愛的老婆大人 遵照您的旨意,我在書房裡反省了一個小時四十三分零七秒,喝了一杯白開水,上了一次衛生間,沒有抽煙,以上事實準確無誤,請審查。 附上我的檢討報告,不當之處可以協商。 經過3個月的婚姻生活,我認為老婆同志溫柔賢良,勤奮聰穎,是不可多得的好妻子,而身為丈夫的我卻舉止乖The Neato vs Roomba debate has heated up with the popularity of robotic vacuums increasing rapidly. Arguably the two best brands on the market, I will review them head to head. I’ve been around robotic vacuums from almost the beginning (starting with my ....