奧黛麗赫本孫女進軍時尚圈,首登《Harper's BAZAAR》九月刊封面
Gutenprint Supported Printers - Gutenprint Printer Drivers近日,各大時尚雜誌紛紛推出每年的重頭戲九月刊,其中出現在美版《Harper's BAZAAR》訂戶版封面的一個新面孔,就成為了時尚界的話題人物,她正是奧黛麗·赫本的孫女Emma Ferrer。為她掌鏡拍攝的攝影師Michael Avedon 來頭也不小,其祖父是赫本生前的好友、攝影大師RichardPlease note that many of these drivers are currently under development, and we do not necessarily have full specifications on all of them. We will fill in this list as we verify successful operation of these printers. You can help by testing this with you...