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NeoGeo Roms - B - ROM World●SEAT專屬性能休旅 ●動力上看310hp ●1.4 Hybrid同步登場 或許讀者會對本篇的主角感到陌生,其實Cupra就是西班牙車廠Seat的專屬性能子品牌,而Seat則隸屬於VW集團旗下,相較於Skoda主力放在東北歐市場,Seat則專攻西南歐等區域。簡單介紹完SEAT,讓我們在看回來本次的This is our NeoGeo roms section. We have more NeoGeo roms than any other site and we keep our NeoGeo roms always up to date with the most current version. To find emulators for NeoGeo, please visit our emulator section....


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NeoGeo Pocket Roms - B - ROM World●品牌首款四缸車型 ●經典敞篷雙座跑車 ●原木手工打造內裝   即便現在大多數車廠都追求科技、尋求突破,但還是有些品牌總是「冥頑不靈」,堅持延續經典,而英國老牌車廠Morgan,就是其中的翹楚。近期Morgan推出了旗下最新的敞篷雙門跑車─Morgan Plus Four,並將其定位為品牌的入門車款This is our NeoGeo Pocket roms section. We have more NeoGeo Pocket roms than any other site and we keep our NeoGeo Pocket roms always up to date with the most current version. To find emulators for NeoGeo Pocket, please visit our emulator section....
